Completed Projects

Spirituality and Stress Study: This study ran from 2021 to 2022. We collected quantitative and qualitative data from 169 Black same-gender-loving (SGL) men. We are currently analyzing the data to determine: (a) how spirituality influences mental and sexual health, (b) preferences and recommendations for creating a spirituality-oriented health intervention, and (c) facilitators and barriers to participating in biomarker research.

Spirituality Everyday, Everywhere: This qualitative study ran from March 2017 to November 2017. We conducted individual in-depth interviews with 10 Black SGL men across the United States. The primary research questions were: (1) How do Black SGL men uniquely define spirituality and (2) What are the culturally distinct mechanisms that link spirituality and health for Black SGL men?

Sex, Drugs, and Church Survey: This study ran from 2011 to 2013. It was a national online quantitative study in which we collected survey data from 428 participants. We broadly examined the associations between religion, spirituality, and health outcomes among Black SGL men.

Peace at the Intersections: This qualitative study was conducted in 2009. We recruited 7 Black SGL men in San Francisco, California. Our main research questions were: (1) What does it mean to Black SGL men to have reconciled their Christian beliefs and participation with their sexual orientation? and (2) What specific methods do Black SGL men use to reconcile their Christian beliefs and participation with their sexual orientation?


Worldview Matters


SPIRiT Lab Members and Collaborators